Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter fun 2011

Choice pictures of the Easter week....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prelude to Easter holidays

Easter is coming. Yes, it is. Even in Norway. The weather has been warm-- woo hee! Warm - like 15 degrees - like 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The snow has melted. The sun even comes out every now and then. I feel smiles and energy in the air. I can't wait until all the snow is gone and I don't have to look at it again for 5 months.

We've been at the cabin since Saturday evening and I've been counting down the days until it's Easter vacation. And here we are...on Wednesday evenining -- settling down with a glass of wine, enjoying watching season 6 of Grey's Anatomy with my hubby, finished my workout, kid's asleep....Ahhh...let Easter vacation begin.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sissie in Town

What a great weekend. Sandy came to visit on Friday afternoon from London and on Saturday, we shopped till we dropped.

She was also an LV virgin up until Saturday. Here she is -- breaking her way into the world of luxury goods.

You want my what?

