Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tonsils are a Pain...or maybe not anymore!

Well, Per bit the bullet today and got his tonsils out. The man is brave. That is all I have to say. I read this site on tonsils last night...and what does it say in a nutshell? People would rather have their right leg cut off than to go through tonsil surgery.

Got some time? Check this link out:

Per is doing well so far. As the evening is progressing, he is looking forward to his pain pill. Drugs are a good thing.

OMG! My Kid Likes Barney!

Barney! The purple dinosaur! The thing that I used to make fun of and laugh at hysterically.

My kid! My kid likes Barney! OMG! What is happening?!

Today was the first time that Keira ever watched a Barney video. She wasn't so into the Baby Einstein videos so I thought that maybe I would make a daring move and buy a Barney movie..thinking, nah, she wouldn't like that silly purple dinosaur. Yeah.
See what I know.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Everyone loves a birthday party!

Well, we couldn't let Keira's birthday come and go without a big bang now, could we? Although a few days late, we brought in her first year with a lovely and intimate little birthday party this past weekend. She was dressed in her finest and on her best a little princess should be! hee hee...

Our friends, Carl, Diana and their beautiful baby son, Jaime joined in the festivities. Here are a few pics from the memorable day!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

We are back in Norway for the next couple of weeks. Yeah! I never in a million freakin' years thought that I would be ever say that, but, hey, never say never. I am as happy as a pig in mud.

Today is a holiday -- Kristi Himmefart's day. I have no clue what that day means other than it's a holiday. And, I always need a holiday.

Per is out with Keira right now, spending some father/ daughter time together. They've been gone for almost two hours. The house is quiet. Guess what I did?

I answered a couple of emails. I took a shower. I actually got to put in mascara. Me. Put on mascara. Haven't even touched the stuff in the last couple of months. I took my time in putting on my makeup and I actually have ironed shorts on right now. Figure that one out.

Ah, yes, life is filled with guilty pleasures. My guilty pleasure used to be a spa day at some shi-shi little getaway. Now, I'm just happy if I get to put on mascara.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17th 2009

Well, Düsseldorf does not have any Norwegian parade... and it is raining so we are bringing you our Norway-spirit from our living room.

Keira loves the flag, and want let go of it. The "Bunad" is a traditional folk costume given from Per's parents.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What are we doing on a Saturday night?

Watching Eurovision 2009, of course!

For those of you who don't know, Eurovision is an international song contest whereby countries, represeted by their respective public broadcasters, participate in one television show, to be transmitted simultaneously in all represented nations. At the end of the contest every country calls into the show and votes.

I have to say that a lot of the contestants in the Eurovision contest this year were fantastic. Here's my short list:

United Kingdom

Per's list is:

Viewers can vote and every country also has a jury that votes. Each country (there's 42 of them) comes on TV and tells all the other countries which country they voted for and what the spread of points is.

I was a little worked up at the end of the show because they flashed the phone number to viewers to vote kind of early without saying, I voted for Alexander Rybak from Norway two times before I was told that I couldn't vote for Norway. Well, too bad. I already did it and I don't feel like paying another 5 NOK to vote for someone else. So, then what do I get? An SMS advising that my votes didn't count because I have Norwegian telephone. Damn. Should have done it from my German phone.

And, the winner is....

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hvor stor er Keira? (How big is Keira?)

Hun er så stor! (She is THIS big!)

Keira's first.....


A bunad is Norway's national costume for the 17th of May, which is Norway's independence day. Every region in Norway has its own distinct costume. Here is a picture of Keira trying on her bunad the other day. We'll take more pics to share on Sunday.

Birthday present

Nicola, Per's EA, came over for a visit yesterday and gave Keira her very first birthday present!

What I used to do/ What I do now

I never thought that my life would change so much. It's so strange when I think about it. I mena, I used to:

1. Wear decently fashionable clothes
2. Wear makeup and high heels
3. Spent at least an hour in the bathroom beautifying myself in peace and quiet
4. Take long showers
5. Eat at fancy restaurants
6. Sleep late on the weekends
7. Spend lots of time surfing the internet
8. Go shopping anywhere, anytime I felt like it
9. Go to the bathroom -- ALONE
10. Spend long hours on the telephone with girlfriends during the DAY

Now, I:
1. Wear clothes which almost always have spit or formula stains
2. Feel lucky if I shower and put on makeup
3. Wake up at the ungodly hour of 6:00am or earlier regardless of the time that I went to sleep
4. Am happy if I get to watch Ugly Betty and Lost on Wednesday night
5. Don't even know what the word "fashion" means
6. Eat Keira's left over baby food
7. Surf only baby sites
8. Cook and clean. Clean and cook.
9. Rarely contact friends and family because I'm too tired or it's too late
10. Never have any privacy...EVER and I mean EVER

But, do you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Keira walked today!

I can't believe it!! Keira walked today and all before her 1st birthday.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day pics

Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I get to celebrate Mother's Day. I don't even feel like a mother...but, what does a mother feel like? We had a lovely day yesterday in the park for a picnic. The weather was fantastic and not to mention my fabulous husband gave me a very special Tiffany's charm. Tiffany's. You can never go wrong with Tiffany's. :)

This is a picture on our apartment balcony. Per worked hard to make it so beautiful.

Enjoying the evening sun on her little bench

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Po Po, this is especially for you

Po Po means "Grandmother" in Chinese. And, this is especially for Po Po because we all know how she hates a mess. Here are a few pics of Keira at meal time and chasing kiwi around her plate.

Monday, May 4, 2009

In Germany now

We are finally in Germany now and I have some time to upload some photographs to keep you up to date on things. We took the Kiel ferry from Oslo last Sunday and arrived in Dortmund a week ago. It's been a busy week trying to get things ready the way that I like them (because we all know how anal I am) and re-learning what it's like to live in an apartment again.

No more loud noises (damn, there goes sex..haha), can't run the dishwasher after 10pm, can't do the wash after 10pm...but, hey, at least I can flush the toilet after 10pm.
