Friday, October 16, 2009

I've been lazy, no other excuse

Yes, I've been lazy these past couple of weeks. There's just no other excuse for not posting something.

Keira has been sick for two weeks and Per also came down with the bug last week. I've spent the past two weeks just taking care of my little family, stuck inside this apartment and with nothing else to occupy my mind, I've worried myself to death about little mundane things that probably have nothing to do with anything.

These mundane thoughts are mainly focused around Keira and if I'm doing enough for her, is she eating enough, is she learning enough, is she bored...etc. My sister thinks that I have nothing else better to do than to worry about these kinds of things and I think that she's probably right.

Out of boredom, I dragged Keira to Ikea yesterday to look at a table/ chair set for her, and we had a nice lunch of hot dogs (very cheap at Ikea). Then, in the afternnon, we went to a type of Gymboree day and let me tell you, I feel like a whole new person today. We saw people. Yes, actual people. Someone at the gymnasium talked to us. It was sunny and it was gorgeous yesterday. Keira was happy. Per came to join us at the Gymboree session. I spent some money. Yes, life is good. Life is great.

Being cooped up inside, bored and lonely can do really drive one crazy.

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