I went to church today. I haven't been to church in almost a year. How did I get to church? My sister and brother-in-law are devout church goers...they almost never miss a Sunday. They went on and on about this new Orthodox church and how the service was so fabulous and how I have never attended a service like this because the whole thing was singing and sooooo great. So, yes, yes, I got guilted into it.
I tried to get out of it. I even told my sister that I had forgotten my "nice" clothes and therefore, could not go to church because I refused to show up in jeans. Hmmm...it's a detriment to be the same size as your sister. She said, "oh, you can borrow something of mine."
I said, "but, oh, I don't have any shoes."
"Oh, well you can borrow my shoes too. We wear the same shoes."
We dressed up. We went to church. It was a Russian Orthodox church.
What does Orthodox mean? It really means the original relgigion...before the whole Catholic church thing and the spin offs of the Protestants, etc. I think that Orthodox is a synonym for "sermon so long it will cross your eyes."
All of us, five kids and three adults, showed up just a bit late. The sermon had started around 10:00am and we showed up around 10:45am. I thought, oh, great, it'll be over and then we can eat. It wasn't over until 12:30ish. We didn't get out of there until 2pm. OMG. I thought I was going to die.
Well, I think I've paid my respects to God for this year. We can talk about it again next year. Oh, wait next year is next month! Sigh! How time flies.