I have to say that I am still reeling from the drama of last week. What drama, you ask, especially since I didn't really post a darn thing.
The drama is that our precious little baby had a 104 degree fever (40 degree celsius) for almost a week. It all started the Saturday before when she peed in her pants five times in a row with a span of 15 minutes in between each pee. I just kept thinking that she was having a relapse on the whole potty training thing or something.
On Sunday, she did it twice.
On Monday evening last week, we went to a parent teacher meeting at her daycare, we come home and we "think" she has a little fever, but think nothing of it.
On Tuesday, she goes to daycare, they call me at 11:30am and tell me that she keeps complaining that she is cold and she has a slight fever. Of course, I go to pick her up and bring her home. She seemed totally fine during the day with a slight fever, but then in the evening, it all started.
Her fever spiked up to 101, then 104. We kept her home on Wednesday and just kept giving her ibuprofen and paracet. Her fever would go down for the first four hours and then straight back up.
She hallucinated about ants on Wednesday night and we were up 24 hours straight that night. Poor little thing. She couldn't get comfortable. She was hot. She couldn't sleep.
On Thursday, same thing. Then, she started shivering...shivering so much and her skin felt like a popsicle. More ibuprofen. More Paracet. Paracet is shit, by the way. It doesnt' work worth anything.
We were able to manage it with those two drugs, but by the evening, she started the shivering thing again....we ended up taking her to the emergency room at the hospital close to midnight. They did their tests and we found out that she had a urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection!!! What two year old child gets a urinary tract infection!!!??!
Well, we came home that night and had to force her to take her antibiotics and I thought that she was getting better...stupid me, I guess. How could she get better with one spoonful of antibiotics? On Friday morning, she started shivering again...saying how cold she was. When I brought her down to the kitchen to give her her medicine, I saw that she was blue in the lips. I am not kidding. Blue, Blue, Blue in the lips. Her skin was ice cold.
Talk about being scared shitless. I was scared shitless. Everything is OK now. Thank goodness.
Key learnings for next time?
1. See the doctor for 40 degree fever if it continues for two days
2. Paracet is crap. Don't use it for fever. Ibuprofen is the best.
3. Hallucinations? Bad thing - see doctor immediately
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