I never thought that my life would change so much. It's so strange when I think about it. I mena, I used to:
1. Wear decently fashionable clothes
2. Wear makeup and high heels
3. Spent at least an hour in the bathroom beautifying myself in peace and quiet
4. Take long showers
5. Eat at fancy restaurants
6. Sleep late on the weekends
7. Spend lots of time surfing the internet
8. Go shopping anywhere, anytime I felt like it
9. Go to the bathroom -- ALONE
10. Spend long hours on the telephone with girlfriends during the DAY
Now, I:
1. Wear clothes which almost always have spit or formula stains
2. Feel lucky if I shower and put on makeup
3. Wake up at the ungodly hour of 6:00am or earlier regardless of the time that I went to sleep
4. Am happy if I get to watch Ugly Betty and Lost on Wednesday night
5. Don't even know what the word "fashion" means
6. Eat Keira's left over baby food
7. Surf only baby sites
8. Cook and clean. Clean and cook.
9. Rarely contact friends and family because I'm too tired or it's too late
10. Never have any privacy...EVER and I mean EVER
But, do you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world.