Friday, October 1, 2010

Two blog posts in one day

Well, ok, the two videos that I just posted perhaps don't really count as a blog post, per se, just blog activity, I suppose.

I don't know what's been happening with me lately and the whole blogging thing. After a 3 week hiatus from the computer during July vacation, my blogging skills seems to have poofed out the window. I've been so busy with work, Facebook, working out, work, Keira, that it's difficult to find the time to sit down and really write something.

I used to blog first thing in the morning when I got to work while hugging my fantastic cup of Nescafe cappucino...but it seems that I've now replaced blogging with checking out the progress of fellow P90X'ers on the internet.

Every morning, like I always do, I open FB to see what's been up in the night while I've been sleeping. It never fails that someone who has just finished P90X shares their video. I love to watch how they tranformed themselves from big ol' fatties to slim and muscle-y types. It gives me such inspiration to watch these videos and read their stories because I know how difficult it is to "Press Play" every single day. There are so many days that I find it a challenge to even put on the DVD and do the workout, but I do it because all these guys have done it.

I just finished P90x a couple of weeks ago. My results were no where near as good as the guys that post their videos on YouTube or FB. Although there were so many times that the thought of an hour and 15 to 30 minute workout was daunting, I can say that I felt great. My body felt good. I felt strong and my back was rarely in pain. I could sleep in several different beds (don't get the wrong idea), I meant while traveling..and I didn't have pain. Before P90x, i couldn't switch to any new bed without feeling it the next day. Traveling was tough.

After the two week rest, I had planned to start Insanity this week. I took my Fit Test and body fat percentage and I started on Monday. I pulled my back on Wednesday. I could feel this really strong burning pain in the lower part of my back and it was kind of hard to lift my left leg after I felt this little stretch when I stood up from the workout on Wednesday. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and he absolutely forbade me to do Insanity. Too many quick movements, he said. I was supposed to be strength training. Because I'm so flexible, so he says, all the quick movements like this will make my back go crazy. Damn.

So here I am. Kind of bummed out, really. I had my heart set out on doing this crazy cardio thing so that I could burn off the fat and see some muscle. As it turns out, I am back to doing P90x. Nothing wrong with it. I love P90x. It's just that I had been pysching myself up for 2 weeks to do this program and now I can't. Actually, for the next few days, I pretty much can't do a damn thing, it hurts so much.

Well, I promised myself that I would be better with the diet on the second round of P90x and so I guess it's time to start on Monday. This time, I'll even be better with my pics. The first time I did the workout, I was too chicken shit to take pictures of my scrawny, flabby body. This time, I'll try to do better (although flying to the U.S. and eating Thanksgiving turkey dinner and all my dad's good food kind of falls right smack into Phase 2). Ah, well.

And, I'll try better about the blogging. I really will.

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