Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yepp. That sums it up in one word. WOW.

We went to dinner last night at a friend's house that we have seen in soooo long. And, in typical Norwegian fashion, this did not disappoint. When we entered the house, I could already tell that the hostess had spent a lot of time and effort in getting ready for this dinner party.

The table setting was so lovely - dressed in orange and grey with matching napkins - those napkins didn't come from Rema, I can tell you that.

We started with a lovely and delicate fish on top of a pepper root mash, served at the Swedish princess Victoria's wedding, then we moved to a roasted lamb with rosemary, garlic and other yummies which was served to the King and then a pannacotta with strawberry fill on top for dessert.

Here we are getting ready to leave for the party. All dressed up and someplace to go...

And no party is complete without dancing...

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