Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!

Today marks another passing of Turkey day..the day where families break bread together over a large, oven roasted, succulent turkey and all it's fixin's, proclaim what/ who we are grateful for and with full bellies and sleepy eyes, we sit around the television and cheer the Longhorns on to victory against the Texas Aggies. At the writing of this post, the Longhorns were ahead, but I don't know what the score is now...

Thanksgiving is pretty hectic around this large family. 7 kids, now 9, two grandparents, 6 adults...that's a full house and it's really difficult to have a sit down meal together with so many people. Kids ate first, grown ups age afterwards while the kids ran circles around the dinner table, played together or got into fights with each other.

Despite the noise and the chaos, I loved every minute of it. I am thankful for my family and my friends. I am especially thankful that I didn't eat so much that my stomach felt like bursting this year. :)

The host/ hostess

Mommy and me

Waiting with Uncle Mark for dinner

Judy cutting the turkey

First turkey bite for Keira

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