Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nervous as hell...

Yes, I am nervous as hell. Close to hyperventilating, if you must know the truth. I am traveling to the U.S. by myself next Tuesday with a 17 month old and a stroller, and a car seat, and her food and her backpack. By the way, I am not traveling with any of my own goodies--like a Nintendo DS, food for me, slippers for me, Bose headphones, hand cream, foot cream, makeup, neck pillow. I will be bereft during this trip.

At first glance, you might think, oh, Jennifer, you are such a wuss, just get on the plane and you'll be fine.

Well, the problem comes here--I am traveling from Dusseldorf to Frankfurt and have one hour to catch a flight in Frankfurt to the U.S. Frankfurt is a GIANT SIZE MONSTER of an airport. It's probably like, oh, a million football fields put together, or something? One hour is not much time to get from one end of the football field to the other when you're dragging around a lot of stuff.

My wonderful husband tried to make my life better by kindly offering to drive us to Frankfurt on Monday night and so we wouldn't have to stress. Per had already made hotel reservations and I had in my mind that all was going to be copacetic.

Off hand, Per said that I should probably call Lufthansa and tell them that I was getting on in Frankfurt instead of Dusseldorf. I called and a stern, German, by the book, "I would die if I colored outside of the lines", kind of woman told me that I would not be allowed to get on the flight in Frankfurt. That if I didn't get on in Dusseldorf, then the whole flight would be cancelled. Thank you very freaking much for NOTHING!!!!

Well, back to square one then, huh? Get me a brown bag...have to hyperventilate.

Per, my knight in shining armour, saved the day again. For a mere 50 euros, there is a Family Helping Service that Lufthansa offers to people traveling with children alone or who need extra help. This person meets us at the gate and guides us to the next flight in the most efficient way possible. He/ she isn't supposed to carry any of our stuff, but is a guide. Hey, that's fine with me, as long as the flight doesn't leave without me.

Yes, day is saved. Life is good again. Now all I have to worry about is whether Keira is going to behave on the flight or not.

1 comment:

  1. just love love love reading all your post....i know what you were feeling...and i agree...what a wonderful hubby you have...always making sure his girls are going to be okay.
    don't stress (yeah...that is coming from me...hahaha)...can't wait to see you guys soon.


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