Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pre-shopping fun: a visit to the dentist

Before I got to the hit the Galleria today, I had to go visit the dentist for a cleaning...I hate to go to the dentist and get my teeth cleaned. There's something about the sound of the scraping and the picking that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Think of someone scraping their fingernails down a chalkboard. Yeah, well, that's how I felt.

My wonderful dentist wasn't so happy with the condition of my teeth until he found out that my last cleaning was about a year and a half ago. Then, he gave me some slack. Seems that my tartar problem has to do with my dental floss technique. You can't just put the dental floss straight in and pull it back out. You have to wrap the dental floss around each tooth on both sides. Dental floss technique. Ha! Who would've thunk it?

My teeth are rather sensitive now because my gums have receded. Receded? When he told me that, I envisioned that my teeth had all fallen out and I only had flappy gums to fill my mouth and my dentures in a cup.

Now I have to go back next week to get bonding done on my teeth. That's supposed to help protect the exposed roots on some of my teeth. I'm looking forward to that. Maybe when the cold wind blows now, I won't feel a twinge in my mouth anymore.

Hey, at least there weren't any cavities. I've got that to be thankful for. I'll remember that for tomorrow on Thanksgiving day.

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