Monday, November 23, 2009

The mall just ain't what it used to be

OMG. I have to say that I am so disappointed today. My mother, Keira and I went to First Colony Mall in Sugarland today for some much anticipated shopping. Much to our dismay, we found nothing at the mall. The clothes looked like rejects from the 80's. Walking through some of the other stores, I was having major flashbacks of Madonna singing "Lucky Star." What is so lucky about cheesy, frilly, short short skirts with tight leggings and big bows in your hair? I was so glad when that fashion era passed us by and now it's back to haunt us again.

We fled the mall within an hour and a half and went over to my sister, Sandy's house, to help her clean it up and get it ready for sale. In the meantime, we also found some time to have some fun.

Po-po convinced Keira to put on some sunglasses

Po-po taking care of Hannah Banana (that's what I call Sandy's 6 week old because I like the way it sounds together and rolls on the tongue. Pretty soon, I'll just shorten it and call her "The Banana")

Keira got Barney in the clean up process

Sandy cleaning up the kids' playroom

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