Thursday, March 25, 2010

Exhaustion is setting in

And it's only 7:30am! I am tiiiiiiiiiiired. Shall I say it again? I am tiiiiiiiiirrred!

Keira has been acting up the past couple of days again. It started with not wanting to go upstairs for her bathtime, to wanting to sit on the potty when she doesn't really need to, wanting me to sit with her during TV time, etc. I guess she seems to need some mamma attention...but, last night? Whew!

She didn't sleep well. Lots of squirming around in the middle of the night. At 2:00am, It was so bad that we had to turn on the lights to wake her up. She cried and cried and cried. I couldn't seem to console her. If I tried to hug her or kiss her, she pushed me away. But, then if I left her alone then she would get even more upset at me. I think she's mad at me for some reason.

She ended up sitting on my lap (not letting me hug her) for a while and crying. Then the crying subsided and she just sat there, but I wasn't allowed to touch her. It progressed to laying her head on my chest and then I was allowed to touch her and give her a kiss.

This is so frustrating. I don't know what's wrong. It seems that she wants me, but she doesn't want me. That's she's mad at me, but then I'm forgiven.

We didn't get to sleep again until 3:00am. I had to get up at 5:30am. Sigh! It'll be a long day today.

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