Saturday, March 20, 2010


What a challenging day Saturdays can be.

It all starts off with the fact that I am still tired from the week and would love to sleep in. Ha! Ha! What does that word mean anymore? Keira wakes up bright and early at 6:30am and she is a big grumpo, to boot. She cries and acts up and nothing seems to make her happy. She wants to dress herself. She doesn't want to dress herself. She wants to pee. She doesn't want to pee. She wants to read. She doesn't want to read. It takes most of the morning to calm her down. I think I get payback on Saturdays for not being around during the week.

Then, there's the errands that have to be run..all the things that I am unable to do during the week. And to top it off, stores are not open late here and so I rush out like a maniac in the morning, with grocery list and 'to-do' list in hand trying to get everything as done as fast as I can so that I can get home and spend some time with my family.

When you're in a rush, you just like things to go like clockwork. No hesitation. No interruptions. Just go go go.

Well, I'm not the only one who rushes out early in the morning to do the shopping. It seems that all the elderly folk in the city have the same idea. They are at the shopping center bright and early at 9:50am, ten minutes before everything opens, hovering in front of the stores waiting for the doors to open. Everthing is so SLOOOOW with them. They drive slow. They park slow. They walk slow. And, when they're in line to pay, it's painful to watch them slowly take their items out of their cart and place each item carefully on the conveyor belt like they have all the time in the world. Meanwhile, I am the one behind them, tapping my foot impatiently, making loud sighing sounds which in secret sighing language meanss, "hurry up! what's your problem?" It's all to no avail, though. They obviously don't get my psychic messages and probably don't care if I'm in a rush anyway.


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