Friday, March 12, 2010

Where did the week go?

My GOD, I cannot believe that a week has gone by already. I've been so busy now that I'm back at work, the days blur into each other. I feel like a staff sergeant in the Army. Everything must run like clockwork. Everything must be according to schedule. No veering from the schedule or disaster will strike.

I wake up at 5:30am, I'm at work by 7:20am, I eat lunch at my desk, I leave to pick up Keira at 3:20pm, we get home at 4:30pm, I make dinner, we eat at 5:30pm, bath at 6:40pm, milk at 7:00pm, Keira must be in bed and alseep by 7:30am. I fall asleep putting her to asleep. I wake up by 8:15pm. Workout. Shower. Do a load of wash. Bed by 10:30 to 11:00pm. The day starts again.

No, I jest. Yes. Everything has a schedule, but the schedule works for our family. Per is great at helping in the mornings. He gives Keira her milk in the morning, changes her clothes, gives her breakfast, cleans up after breakfast, she gets changed and dropped off by 7:45am.

Without scheduling and sticking to it, I think that we'd get quite stressed with getting things done. We would be tired. Keira would be tired. It just wouldn't be any fun.

But, here we are, it's Friday! Finally, I get a little breather to post on the blog, think about the week and get ready for the weekend.

This weekend we're going to drive up to the cabin and fix a few things before Easter vacation starts. I have to admit that I am quite looking forward to going. I wasn't so keen on it last weekend, but I'm ready this weekend. (I have to warm up to it). Yes, there's still loads of wash to do and lots of other cleaning around the house, but it will be nice to get away...have a few hours of quiet time with my wonderful hubby in the car on the way up (four hours, to be exact), enjoy a nice glass of red wine when we get there, have some time to make a nice dinner on Saturday and just hang out together without the hassles of cleaning house.

Did I just say that? I can't believe I just said that. That sounds so damn Norwegian. What's happening to me?!?!?!? :)

So, sorry for not having posted in a week. I haven't turned on the computer in the evenings and so the posting hasn't happened. I endeavor to be much better next week.

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